Feldenkrais course explanation

Cours en groupe Feldenkrais Bruxelles

Feldenkrais quick overview

« A better general behaviour of the skeleton allows 100% use of anatomical possibilities » (Feldenkrais)

When we think about our body movements in everyday life or during sporting activities, we often focus on muscle work. This work is certainly important, but our skeleton is the basis of our daily functioning. Awareness of our bone ‘layout’, of our own body organisation, gives us a much clearer picture of how we can improve our comfort and mobility.

The Feldenkrais approach tries to awaken in us an acute sensitivity to the small movements we make, so that we become aware of them. The aim is to reduce effort and focus attention on movement in its simplest, most comfortable and elegant form.

The benefits of practicing Feldenkrais

We are used to learning by pushing ourselves to the limits, by forcing ourselves. The Feldenkrais Method makes us aware that small, conscious and thoughtful movements can greatly improve the way we do things.

There is no one right way to move, but many. The real freedom of movement lies in the possibility of adapting, of choosing our way of doing things. 

Feldenkrais is not exercise – but you will feel more coordinated after practicing it.

Feldenkrais is not relaxation – but you will feel calmer after a lesson.

Feldenkrais is not stretching – but you will feel more flexible.

Prendre conscience de son corps - Cours de Feldenkrais pour particulier Bruxelles

So what is it?

It’s a system that allows you to learn about yourself more honestly and accurately. The use of force is the opposite of awareness. You can’t learn if you force yourself. The principle should not be: no pain no gain, but rather: no gain if you force. ‘(N. Doidge)

LEARN MORE about Moshe Feldenkrais

Explanation of the Feldenkrais course

How does a lesson work?

A group lesson in Awareness Through Movement (AMM) takes place on the floor, in a chair, sitting or standing. Many of the lessons are designed to be practiced on the floor, as they allow you to let go of gravity and feel your own weight more clearly.

Individual lessons, known as Functional Integration (FI) lessons, often take place on a massage table. The practitioner places his or her hands on the person with the aim of suggesting movements to different parts of the body. There is no manipulation, no imposed movements. It’s about listening to what’s possible and suggesting new movement patterns.

Can anyone practice the Feldenkrais Method?

Yes, even more so than Pilates, which remains muscular, the Feldenkrais Method focuses on skeletal work and is very respectful of each person’s possibilities and rhythm. You take ownership of the movement and rhythm that suits you.

Are there different levels?

In group classes, movements are performed without demonstration, following the practitioner’s vocal suggestions at your own pace. Each group includes participants of all levels.

Why do Feldenkrais ?

Feldenkrais is a gentle way of understanding and approaching your body, with all it’s questions and issues. It will help you improve coordination, balance, flexibility and power. In every way, your daily activities but also sports you practice, will improve in a more conscious manner. Feldenkrais also showed it utility in alleviating chronic low-back pain and all kind of chronic problems we carry often for long time. Feldenkrais is a method teaching you to learn how to learn, by unpacking your habits, keeping one you like and leaving aside ones that don’t serve you anymore. The body is not a fixed unity – it’s a living organism looking to adapt itself to new situations, emotions, and circumstances. Feldenkrais is about the new way of moving, it’s about a new you.


Tara, you’re a magician! Today’s lesson relaxed me so much that I stood up – for the first time in three years – without the slightest pain in my back from my hernia, it’s ecstatic!


I’ve just had my little Feldenkrais session, brilliant once again! My right shoulder had been completely stuck for several days, with all the pain, tension and fear of doing certain movements and …… Once again it saved me….

Anne C

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